Monday, July 8, 2013

SCCD: Transcript Focus group Discussion (FGD)

Student Perspectives

Outcome 1: To understand what motivates students to pursue higher education

Question  No 1: Why are the students in college?

Four of the 10 participants decided to go on to college while in high school and began college the semester after graduating from high school. The remaining six students worked after finishing high school and later made the decision to continue their education. The students offered a number of reasons for their decision to go to college:
•    To transfer to a four-year college or university
•    To focus on academics
•    To pursue a specific career
•    To learn new job-related skills for promotion
•    To broaden their social circle and gain opportunities for networking
•    They were encouraged by parents or friends
•    They were encouraged by high school teachers or counselors

The students had specific reasons for choosing a community college:
•    Cost
•    Location close to home
•    Family responsibilities
•    Need to attend part-time while working
•    Availability of specific program

Eight out of 10 of those participating indicated that their goals have changed since coming to the college because of courses they have taken at the college. One participant stated, “I didn’t know how interesting psychology could be!  Now I want to go on to get my bachelor’s degree in psych.”

Question No 2

